B Scar TV Podcast

DEEJ & BEEJ | Tommy Devito's Agent, Chiefs go Offsides, Jags Employee Steals $22 Million, and Zion Weight Controversy

Scarlett Creative

Cincinnati Bengals DT DJ Reader and NFL linebacker Brennan Scarlett talk Tommy Devito's Goodfellas-esque agent, weigh in on late-game drama in Chiefs v. Bills, and break down how one former Jags employee fumbled the bag. Later, they make their weekly college football picks, before commenting on the Zion Williamson weight loss situation in New Orleans, then zooming out to talk diet and weight loss in general. 

0:00 | Intro
4:22 | Tommy Devito + Agent Break the Internet
6:45 | Late Offsides Call Pivotal in Chiefs v. Bills
13:27 | Former Jaguars Staffer Stole $22 Million
19:29 | College Football Bowl / Playoff Picks
23:31 | Pelicans tell Zion to Improve Conditioning
30:05 | Diet + Eating Habits
39:24 | In-Person Deej & Beej Coming Soon!

Full-length video episodes are available on YouTube.

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Created and Produced by Scarlett Creative.

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’Til next time... Peace ✌️

Speaker 1:

The boys are back and back in action with another episode of BeastGar TV. I got my dog DJ Reader, aka Deej Yo, the segment of Deej and Deej, the gang, the gang, the gang.

Speaker 2:

We're here, man. Oh my God, with another one, another dub too. Man, just keep on coming. Deej and Deej. We've been good luck the last couple of weeks. Oh shit, we just gotta keep it rolling. How you doing, man.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm doing great. I'm fresh off of Miami Art Basel. Seven days in Miami, seven full days, and I'm talking these are lived days. I was living fully. I was living hard out there, limited sleep, but a lot of great connections. So a lot of really nice art, good energy out there, man. The thing about Art Basel in Miami is that it connects people from all different walks of life, from all different types of industries, and everybody has this thorough line of being into art and it's really collaborative. It's positive meet some cool ass people and the parties are cracking.

Speaker 2:

Good time. I mean, did you make any purchases? Did you purchase anything? Or just looking, Just looking?

Speaker 1:

I didn't purchase anything, didn't go with the intention to purchase anything, but I found cool artists out there, so I got my eyes on some more artists and actually the last day I almost bought a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger Okay, yeah, by the governor.

Speaker 1:

I almost bought one of his new books he just dropped like a big coffee book and he had this thing. It was set up in a booth like outside of the main Art Basel fair and it was this big like turquoise book with Greek, like Greek font across the frame gold Arnold. And they had it on this like special coffee stand that you could buy the coffee stand and there was a big picture of Arnold like up in the up in the hills, like he had his little white t-shirt on, had some cool ass glasses. It was all for like $15,000. But the book was like 1500 bucks so I was gonna maybe get the book and I decided not to $1500 book $1500 book.

Speaker 1:

It was a nice. It was a sweet book.

Speaker 2:

I thought, I thought about it, Thought about it long time, like what's in the book, sweet, or like what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

Well, because the book is huge, right and so, and they're all just pictures of Arnold from his life and Arnold's like for me he's an American icon, like he is the American dream, like in a person. He's from all the way back when he was bodybuilding, then he was acting, then he's a philanthropist and then he was also in politics and now he's still like doing this thing. And so this book there was 19,. There's 1,947 of them created, so it's limited edition. He was born in 1940, 47. And I think they're also signed by Arnold. There's like some little like stories in there. There's some fun, but it's mostly just a big like coffee picture book. Okay.

Speaker 1:

I feel that and it looked, good it looked good.

Speaker 2:

Hey bro, you can't put a price on, like you know what matters to you exactly. I think you should go get it.

Speaker 1:

That's why I told myself if I really want that book, I'll find it online.

Speaker 2:

It seems like you really want it, bro you the way you just talked about it the epitome of the American dream. But you should get that book. To me, dyrton whiskey is the epitome of American dream.

Speaker 1:

But Dyrton isn't. Well, I guess Arnold's not American either. But what?

Speaker 2:

That's the same example. Bro Dyrton's done everything you know. Andy's got a statue outside of American Airways while being a foreigner American dream.

Speaker 1:

That's true. That's true man. I think Arnold's from. I don't know where Arnold's from, I don't know. He's Austrian. Okay, he's Austrian. The American dream, that's what we're here. We're here for the American dream. You know who else is living the American dream? Fuckin' Tommy DeVito. Tommy DeVito, still in this thing. He's been a hit and recently just came out with him on the sideline with his agent and his agent had the full Zootz who had the hat going. He was looking good over there man, he's on the phone. The guy's on the phone.

Speaker 2:

Hey, he made himself some money as a quarterback. His agent made himself some money as an agent yesterday. Just like great, great presence. Amazing job with the agent. I don't know if he was on a phone call or not. Keep that phone up to your ear, dog, keep playing that off. My boy out there balling, tommy DeVito out there, went out there and did his thing. Man Got the Giants believe and rolling again. I'm just happy man. They defensively deserved it. They defensively playing really good. Just couldn't find a way to put up no points for a while. So it was good to see him playing well and them playing well. But his agent was the show. His agent was the show. This agent was his pop celebrator. This show, this agent was his pop celebrating the stands. It don't get more genuine than that dog. More Italian, more Mwah, just mwah man.

Speaker 2:

They don't get better than that dog Like that's just. It is what it is. It's authentic and that's dope to see for real. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It looks like he answered that phone. It's like who the fuck are you? Ha, ha, ha ha. But who are you? Who are you to talk to me like that? Hey?

Speaker 2:

Hey, he's about to go deal crazy in the New York market. Dude. Yeah the agent, hey, agent about to get his. Hey, tommy about to get his. He about to work for that 3% right now. That's a fact he better get it.

Speaker 1:

That's a fact. It just looks like Tommy needs an Italian restaurant in the Lower East Side. Just DeVito's. There you go, all DeVito's when you go. If you really want some good lasagna, go to DeVito's.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just indiscriminate. That's the sign. Yeah, that's the logo.

Speaker 1:

The logo just man. Good for Tommy, good for the agent. What wasn't good was the off sides call that cost the Kansas City Chiefs the game, and a big game as well, a rivalry game at that against the bills. And what was a crazy play with passing it to Travis, kept Patrick from the homes to Kelsey, across the middle Kelsey, taking it and making one guy miss and then passing it all the way across the field behind him to a nice ball Severe over there who then scampers in for the touchdown but it was a flag and called back because that same receiver was lined up off sides. Personally he was off sides, I don't care, patrick, my homes freaked out on the sideline Like it was a huge thing, but like he hit the dude was clearly off sides though.

Speaker 1:

So like what do you want the refs to do? Not make that call? I think like that's a pre snap penalty it's. I mean, one of the easiest things in the game is to line up on sides, and he didn't do that in that big of a moment. That's not the rest. That is that dude's fault and he cost his team the game and it should have been called.

Speaker 2:

And that's the thing I don't. I don't even know that, like I never received us do the whole like check with the ref thing, but I think that's just to tell you if you're on the ball or off the ball or like things like that. And like if you off sides, Brad, like you off sides, I don't think he had to tell you like he not. Ain't nobody looking out there to referee. The D is tell him DNA backup when you in the new year he threw the flag immediately.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He held the flag like I don't. It sucks, but me as defender it also sucks like rally into the ball, is here in the semi, throw a damn ladder over and you just do. Happy, it was the karma. They didn't have that. Yeah moment like like what's your cup? What do you say as a coach if that happens to you? If that play works out, what do you say like Ah, guys, next time don't run to the ball right right, like everybody.

Speaker 2:

I'm so, hey man, like you said, the easiest thing to say on size, especially on offense, because you know the snap count, you know what's going on, you don't got to get crazy in that neutral zone. There's no reason for you to be that far. No reason there's not Tackles cheating back, everybody cheating back, but you don't want to stand over the ball, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, to your point is like if, if a defensive lineman or an outside linebacker jumps off sides in that same moment, or Lines up off sides are in the neutral zone, the refs gonna make that call and say that was a, that was an incomplete pass right and they would have been off the but bills would have been off the field. Okay, nah, flag was thrown, move it up five yards and chiefs get another go at it. But it wouldn't have been this whole drama. So it's like, all right now that it's on the other side of the ball, it's still. It's the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Y'all had another play, y'all ran another play and it didn't work out. And then you're freaking out about the offside. I was going like and you know I get it's an emotional game, you're getting emotional, but I just didn't think that should have been the biggest deal. That like, if you line up off side but we called it immediately, like you can't, yeah, you can't really argue with that, like that's the thing, like what, what can you really say? Just somebody saying you line up immediately off sides and throwing that flag.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, now that's so true. And going back to the the actual play, when Travis Kelsey was getting ready to throw that ball, the defender who was about to tackle him like Went up to bat it down, like was like had no thought of, like running through the tackle, but hands were up and like he's jumped for it and it was like I'm like, damn bro, how did you, how'd you know he was about to throw that? Well, what made you feel like he was about to throw that? There was still you know over a minute on the clock and I don't know. I feel like this is like potentially could change, change the game a little bit.

Speaker 2:

The whole is bro, it'll mess up the game, but the whole quarterback, once he raised up, I was I know he's not about the and then when I, when he did it, I was like and, but like you said, nobody does that anymore. Nobody tries to run to the top, because the whole perception of the quarterback thing so anybody raising up doing one of these like I Thought somebody do a ball faked the other day and go over somebody's head it was just like In the order that would have been like nobody's thing, do that shit Right, not to block off, but like you can't really do certain things. So like he was, I know that defender is like oh shit, he's about to.

Speaker 1:

Who was? There was a receiver, you're right. There was a see the receiver recently. Who would like? He was way past the line of scrimmage and like ball fake, like he was About to throw.

Speaker 2:

Judy, it worked, but it worked. That's the thing.

Speaker 1:

like it's like, oh, oh, like it's like this Natural, you just naturally like go for the ball, you know it's, it's instinctual person, I think. I think the next person who tries to make that play like Travis Kelsey did and he's Standing up tall Making a pass if that defender, instead of jumps up, goes right through his midsection, it's a wrap. Folks ain't doing that, no more. And that's really, I think, how we should have he, how we should have played that. But like, naturally, you're gonna jump when you see the ball gonna jump bro.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna jump. You don't know what's going on. You're like what is he doing? Yeah, that's the thing you like in your head. I know you thinking like Hold on.

Speaker 1:

What are you doing?

Speaker 2:

What, what? What's this like? Like you don't have a natural reaction for somebody in the random field of play to just raise up and Throw the ball we lost DJ, djs bounce back from some Wi-Fi troubles or some some operational IT troubles over Operational user error, some type of user error over there in Cincinnati, but we're back.

Speaker 1:

We're back. It was just a little fudge up. And speaking of a little fudge up, a former Jaguars employee by the name of a meat patelle Is found to have stolen $22 million.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, for a height 22 mil 22 mil.

Speaker 1:

We're talking purchases such as a condo, a new Tesla Model 3, a Nissan pickup truck, a $95,000 watch, vacations in Private jet travel for his friends. I Don't know about you, dj, but this guy does not know how to spend 22 million 22 m's dog.

Speaker 2:

He could have bought ever like 22 million dollars, but we got a Model 3. Bro, what are you doing? Like you, you find in PJs, you driving a Model 3 in a Nissan. Like, what are you? Where's this condo? Though now he might, he might have us all fooled with his damn condo, like we don't know where the condo. We do need to know where that condo. We need to know location, but it sounds like he's living like a really modest light the steel, 22 mil.

Speaker 2:

He sounds like he tried to be frugal, but about a 95 grand wives pulling up with a Nissan truck and a Model 3. It's weird, it's weird Random with on PJs though.

Speaker 1:

But PJs for friends. He bought the PJs for his friends. He low key, sounds like he was trying to be a good guy, like he bought the Nissan pickup truck. But he could have fully just decked out his raptor. He could have got a raptor. He could have pre-ordered a Cybertruck. He could have used that private jet travel for himself. Where did this?

Speaker 2:

22 mil go what? No, bro, and it's course of four years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, something's not adding up here 22 mil dawg. That's a lot. That's a lot of money. That's crazy that condos has to be beachfront Miami.

Speaker 2:

Beachfront the model. I don't know about the model 3, but the PJs got to be going overseas. They can't just be like local PJs. Like 22 mil and this is a free 22. So this is not even like what you already got, like this is a free 22. You run it all the way up. That's a full 22 spent. Most people like don't spend that much money because they they've earned it, so they're like saving it. You just spend in 22 mil. I couldn't even imagine.

Speaker 1:

His attorney was quoted saying Patel checked himself into an inpatient recovery center this past spring and has cooperated with the government and the Jaguars. King said his client is remorseful, takes full responsibility for his action and has opened a gambling addiction recovery center where he plans to be active in the treatment community. He was also working for Uber, driving the black Tesla that is referenced in court documents as one of the spoils from his alleged crimes. So he bought the Tesla model 3 as an investment into his Uber business.

Speaker 2:

With 22 million dollars. He's driving Uber black.

Speaker 1:

It's very clear that this 22 million dollars was poured into some parlies and you didn't hit nothing. Vegas got that 22 mil.

Speaker 2:

You didn't hit anything, though.

Speaker 1:

Well, what he hit on, what he hit on, what he won, what he won doesn't have to be included in the court documents. Because it's gotta be the worst gambler of all time Based on the fact that he's driving Uber, you gotta believe that this guy plays some bad bets.

Speaker 2:

But he bought the open treatment center.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, he's not opening a treatment center. He is.

Speaker 2:

That's what he said.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he did open a treatment center. Yeah, he sounds like a good guy, man.

Speaker 2:

What is the? Where is this money at, dog, I'm trying to figure out what's going on.

Speaker 1:

What's going?

Speaker 2:

on right now. I don't like, I don't. I'm confused. He's confused me. Yeah, I'm confused Because I can't figure out like he used that money to open that treatment center.

Speaker 1:

You're a thief but you also are buying an Nissan pickup truck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you look like a small business, but you're investing into your small business.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, weird, I hope. I hope I meet Patel, get some help with this gambling and it sounds like he's also trying to help out some other folks who may be suffering from some gambling problems.

Speaker 2:

So I'm doing me man.

Speaker 1:

but this guy's got to learn how to spend his money. He got to learn how to be rich DJ maybe.

Speaker 2:

Nah, you need to tell him, you need to hit him up. You got to be rich, dj. Nah, I'm not. You do rich things real. Well, I don't. I'm broke, bro. Just keep telling me Come on man you keep saying this rich thing. I keep telling you I'm rich in mind, in theory, in family, in love, in God, but I am broke when it comes to cash money.

Speaker 1:

My father said rich. What do you mean? Rich Wealth make you rich. My richness is life forever.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Rich in life and that's why he had all them kids forever, because you know we had 30 kids, so forever His life will be rich.

Speaker 1:

He had a mob of them. He had a mob of them. Moving on to our college section, Our picks are still the same as last week because there's been no college football. I have 14 to your 16 points. I'm down two, but I am mounting a little bit of a comeback. We got some old games that we're betting on. If I could find my phone so I can make sure I got my proper research in front of me Michigan versus Alabama. I got a Bama.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God miss, I got miss you.

Speaker 1:

Washington versus Texas.

Speaker 2:

Give me Washington. Do you want to go Washington? Huh, I'll go Texas on this one. I'll go Texas on this one.

Speaker 1:

Because I was willing to flip. I don't really, because you know I'm not a.

Speaker 2:

Pac-12 believer. That's a tough one. I am a Pac-12 believer, but Pac-12 never fails.

Speaker 1:

I really just want them guys to do well, like I really want, because neither one of them won an award.

Speaker 2:

That was an emotional one, because I really want to go with Texas. I think they're a better team, but I'm going off pure emotional on all my picks, so I'm going to Washington, all right.

Speaker 1:

Mizzou, ohio State. I got Miss you as well. I've had enough bed. I'm learning yeah, I'm learning Ole Miss vs Penn State.

Speaker 2:

Give me Ole Miss.

Speaker 1:

You got Ole Miss. I got Penn State Georgia vs Florida State Georgia. I'm gonna roll with Georgia. I feel like you should take Florida State because you talked about how much they should be in the playoffs there are players who are already saying that they're not going to play, that you should vote for Florida State, because you all said that you were the one that told the players not to play in this game. So it's really your fault that none of the Florida State NFL prospects are playing in this bowl game.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not my fault, they're not playing. I'm just making a smart bet, like I don't know. They're not playing. Because they're not playing because it means nothing, because they weren't undefeated and it meant nothing. They don't feel like it means anything, so they're not playing. So I mean I'm going Georgia, I know Georgia's going to win.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm going Georgia as well. Liberty vs Oregon and the Fiesta Bowl. Why is Liberty in the Fiesta Bowl? First off, don't sleep, Give me Oregon though I guess I'm going to take Oregon too. I haven't seen Liberty play this season. Clemson vs Kentucky.

Speaker 2:

Was that that Z? Again?

Speaker 1:

Clemson, clemson, here we go. I'm going Clemson. I'm going to take Clemson as Clemson as well. Cal vs who, cal vs who. Who's Cal playing again? Who we playing there we go. Texas Tech, cal vs Texas Tech. I'm going to rock with the Bears.

Speaker 2:

There we go. I'm going to go with Texas Tech, just to be played devil's advocate, bam.

Speaker 1:

Hey, after these bowl games there will be a clear winner. Yes, we took opposite sides on basically every game. All right, there we go, moving on to our culture segment.

Speaker 1:

We got a lot going on in the realm of culture. The first one I think is really interesting to touch on is that the Pelicans have told the star player Zion to improve his diet and condition, and it's been publicly released that they need him to get in shape. He's been balling this season. He's been going crazy. Do you think that the Pelicans have any grounds to tell him what to do with his life off the court based on his performance thus far?

Speaker 2:

I don't think they can really tell him. I think they can give him like suggestions, but like he a grown man, you can't really tell him what to do. But also I don't think there's kids to be getting released, like you know, that's something you all should work on, like behind closed doors, really work on it If you want your star player to trust you and really work on something which you released that shit to the media probably not the way to do it. You know what I'm saying. So I mean I do. I think bro could probably stand and lose some LBs. I mean probably.

Speaker 2:

I'm not the one to be telling that, but I mean, yeah, sure, I guess it would probably maybe help his career a little bit, but I mean it seemed like he that's just this style of playing. They're going to have to deal with it. Obviously, you know, like being that big and doing what he does on the court, you know that's a mean send in sooner or later, like he got to get a little bit better. I'm not, I don't think it's about much, but, like I said, releasing that shit to the media and letting that get out and create this roof that the media does between whether that's just the eyes of public opinion, or just anything else. I don't think that's the way to go about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I don't think so either and I wonder how it got leaked from from the organization and from those conversations. What I do believe is that this isn't the first time that they've dealt with Zion Williamson and his, his diet and conditioning or lack there of, and I think that if things don't change, they likely feel that it's really going to infringe on his career because it has so far. He's had the injury bug over the last few years. You know, again, I'm not I'm not the guy to be talking about injuries, right, because I've had many of them, but when you look at Zion and understand how heavy is and the style of play, he would benefit from being a little bit lighter and a little bit more in shape. And we know all of us know as athletes, that the more the fit you are, the more healthy you are, the more likely you're going to remain healthy on the court, the field, the pitch, whatever your, your field of play is. So I imagine that the Pelicans understand this very well and also understand the numbers behind it.

Speaker 1:

They made a big investment in the man. You know he was to their first round draft pick. He was paid over all. The first overall pick paid huge. He already doubled up already. They already paid him again. It's like, hey, there's money, there's dollars in this. So I don't think that they would publicly announce or kind of purposefully leak this news so that he might get some public humiliation that might push him to make better choices, because clearly he hasn't listened up to this point. I wouldn't take it off the table, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree with that, though I agree, you know sometimes that happens you get a little thing, little leaks out there to try to get your star player to get a little push behind them. So maybe you know he'll take with this and do the right things with it and not, you know, looking at it too much because obviously, right, do they page you, they want you there and whether they do or don't, they owe you money. You can't control that game.

Speaker 2:

But, you know, getting yourself in better shape, being there for your brothers who are putting the blood, sweat and tears in with you is something worth doing, so I think that that is where he should look at it. If he does, you know taking in these things personally.

Speaker 1:

What would be your suggestion? One thing, one or two things that he should do to lose weight.

Speaker 2:

I think there's better people out there to ask than me, but I think there's like a lot of people out there who specialize in like dietitians and nutrition, those things, and really lock in with that person, like you got enough money, lock in with that person, your chef, and make sure that y'all are on a true plan, along with the extreme conditioning coach, to make this happen. You know what I mean. Like this is something I got to do. I got to change my body comp in this way, this in the third, and really lock in with those three people and make it happen. Like I feel like that's it. Once you get to like the money, he has the time and status that he has. You know he's got things and resources to do that. So I think that's what he has to do and though it sucks because it feels like you're going out there and spending extra money to do whatever, but that's the investment you gotta make.

Speaker 1:

So if you've never had to lose weight in your career, To me. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Plenty of time, but that's like dog work and Chelsea. What do you do? I'm not like an in season lose weight guy. If you are, I mean the sauna. I guess you could. I didn't exactly what I just told you, though I like doing, like dieting, make sure my chef was making the meals right, like make sure my meal prep was right, and then just make sure I'm getting a little bit of extra cardio, if I got to do it that way, but that way sucks, because your legs are tired, you're burnt out, you run up and down like it'd be better to do with the food and natural way that makes it. Yeah, like just make sure you goosey, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That other route, bro. You all right, right. Hey you living on a prayer. What is that song? They living Living on a prayer? Hey, you living on a prayer on that other part. Hey, you don't want that smoke, bro. You dehydrate it all the time. You suck it Just fresh out the day before way is and stuff. You don't want it that way.

Speaker 1:

You could do. It is with one or two ways you gonna clean up your act with food and your diet. Are you gonna work your ass off on that treadmill, that stair climber, that elliptical, the bike?

Speaker 2:

and wanted to Nothing that you wanna do. Put it that way Both of them are sacrifices oh man, they are.

Speaker 1:

You really like your food, and you like your food a certain type of way.

Speaker 2:

But I really feel like you sacrifice less with the food.

Speaker 1:

But people just can't get past that method Because the food could still be tasty. It could be healthy and still be tasty.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that dog work's gonna suck no matter what. That's a fact.

Speaker 1:

That's a fact and that, DJ, is why I respect your logic, man. You just put things pretty clear. You just lay it on the table with black and white. I appreciate that about you, man. I like to have little bay area here and there, but you lay it out clearly.

Speaker 2:

I try to make sure it looks like I want people to see it the way I'm seeing it. I have room for gray areas. I'm just letting you know sometimes, like, look man, sometimes there's not, there's only two choices and that weight loss thing. There's no gray area there. Dude, you can't dip your toe in that shit. You gotta go for it and really like, this is coming from a lifetime fat person, but I've been a fat my whole life, so I've known my whole life that, like, when you go for it, you might as well go for it. Don't trick yourself into thinking like, oh well, this won't hurt, this won't hurt. It's a slippery fucking slope. Don't take those days. You take whatever time it needs to be to get to your goal and then you start working the other way. Maybe I have a cheater here and there or there they're like no, that's what I'm telling.

Speaker 1:

Don't play, don't, play, don't brother, you can't, you can't out. That's the way we always like to fool ourselves. This won't hurt this whole thing. I've been healthy the whole day. This little thing on VI, this little dessert, little nightcap VI All right, man, that's damn right. Man, that's damn right. I need to shake a couple of LBs. So this is a good conversation for me to be having with you right now.

Speaker 2:

All right, bro. I always know, like in the off season, when it's time for me to start losing weight because you know I get a little weight in the off season in the beginning my clothes start feeling a little different. I'm like, all right, well, it's time to stop. I gotta get back right. Can't buy no new clothes.

Speaker 1:

When you start slipping down that slippery slope, what's your go-to, what you like to have to eat to really reach yourself?

Speaker 2:

Man, I'm a, you know, the classic is McDonald's. Mcdonald's is fire, yeah, and probably he says anything, otherwise you're a hater.

Speaker 1:

But what you getting from McDee's though.

Speaker 2:

Are you a? Value menu scavenger I usually get two more unit chickens with a large fry. Yeah, and they had this strawberry like cream, like pie, that's just fire.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, that's just good, I'm pretty similar man, that would be my, similar to my order of McDee's as well, but I usually I also get like a little McDouble too.

Speaker 2:

I'm a value menu scavenger.

Speaker 1:

I'll go maybe two McDoubles large fry, big ass, high C.

Speaker 2:

All great man, All unhealthy. It is amazing yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's a big.

Speaker 2:

I really don't get in trouble with that, no more. I get in trouble, like you know, that end of season and I'm just eating bro, like I've worked hard. I am like you said. I am a true fat person in heart. My money goes to food. I am eating at every nice restaurant that I can find, every any steak houses, everywhere I'm at breakfast, lunch, dinner. I'm finding somewhere to eat and I'm going Now. I just wanted the food to be tasty. Yeah, what you got on the menu, let's get it. I worked my ass off for these seven, eight months. I'm about to eat today.

Speaker 1:

I'm about to eat today and then tomorrow comes and it's like same day, Same day.

Speaker 2:

Let's do it again Right now. We eat today. Mike has me a couple of workouts in between. They're like all right, all right, Well, make some more room for a couple more meals. That's what I'm loving it.

Speaker 1:

What I found to be a fact is that when you go to a nice restaurant, it's always better to have more than one person. It's always and not even for the social element but for the food element, because when you have two, three or four people that are eating at a table, you can order more food. You order more of the options than you shared amongst each other, and so you get a taste for more things. I went to a restaurant in Miami it's called Abilay Television Kitchen and they got some of the best lamb chops in Miami. So I went there and I knew I was ordering the lamb chops. They only had two more. They only have one order, two lamb chops left. So I got the lamb chops and then I also got like two other little dishes, but they were like two or three more than I wanted to order. But it was just me, I was just went solo. So I was like damn, I can't have that food.

Speaker 2:

Take it home, bro. Well, be like me, I'm a big like. Are you to go person? Do you take your food to go At the point you got leftovers? Okay, I'm a don. I make steak and eggs in the morning. If I got leftovers from my steak, or if you got leftovers then you don't want to take them out, we'll make steak and eggs with Chris. Yeah, right.

Speaker 1:

And steak the next morning is great, especially if you had it medium the day before. That microwave would cook it just to like a medium.

Speaker 2:

Well, no you're too grown to be using the microwave to warm up your food.

Speaker 1:

Well, you put yours on the stove, Dude, come on bring it. You stove top your food.

Speaker 2:

Bring it especially like steak and stuff from a night steakhouse. You don't put that in the microwave. That ain't me. What's wrong with that Dog? What's wrong with that? I'm disappointed. You just throw some butter in a pan, throw that thing on there, get nice cash on it. Throw that thing on there, bro, sizzle it up. It's just like the night before.

Speaker 1:

I could. But I also could just put everything onto a plate and pop it in the microwave and two minutes later I'm eating.

Speaker 2:

Not the same dude. It's not the same. Don't, don't fool yourself. I'm impatient man that takes the same amount of time.

Speaker 1:

If I'm doing steak and eggs maybe because I'm already if I gotta put the eggs on the stove, then I'll just might as well put the steak on the stove too. It's gonna take the same amount of time. But if I'm pulling the mic out the fridge and I wanna eat, I wanna eat as soon as possible, asap.

Speaker 2:

How long do you think it'll take you to warm up that steak in the microwave?

Speaker 1:

More minutes. Well, in the microwave it's gonna take me two minutes Put it on the stove.

Speaker 2:

How long do you think it'll take you to warm it up on the stove? 12 to 15. No way, no way, no way. When we're not talking about the stove, we're talking about you now. Not the stove that, like you grew up on, maybe like when you first got we're living in Portland, y'all's first house we're talking about now, like you're still, I know it's got instant heat right there. The flame is hitting your skillet. It shouldn't take that. 15 to 12 to 15 minutes.

Speaker 2:

You don't need to cook your steak the first time that long. That barely like Like come on, man, what are you talking about? To warm it up. It's gonna take you.

Speaker 1:

Is that an over estimate?

Speaker 2:

yes, take like five minutes. Do like the butter. Don't melt the pan going, ladies, take like five minutes.

Speaker 1:

That's a good point. That's a good point. I do have a nice ass stove top. It's a wolf. Wolf stove Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it does guess how many y'all who don't know appliances out there. That's top of the line. He's at the top. He's at the chippy top. It's there. There's a baby, one more more than that, that's it.

Speaker 1:

I got that. It came with the house man came with house. That's a good point. I'm still living like I'm. You know, I'm back in, back in the old house man. I'm still living like I'm in my college dorm man. That's still took a little while to warm up.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying, dude. It's not that electrical. I know more than with the rings around when you got a weight on all the rings to finally heat up, to Get to the middle. It's not that, you good, it's not that.

Speaker 1:

Well, shit, man. Next time I take some steak to go, I'm gonna warm it up on the stove and I'll make sure I send you a picture, dj.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad. I'm glad I could help you boss up and boss up your life from that day. You've bossed up your life in so many areas. I'm so proud of you as a friend. This is. I'm glad I can contribute in this area.

Speaker 1:

It's a blessing. That's a blessing. Who y'all got this week? The Vikings. You got the fucking Vikings on Saturday Day one o'clock pm Kickoff. Yeah, it's crazy. We're talking, we're looking at Saturday games. We're getting in December meaningful games in December.

Speaker 2:

Like the whole world's about money, right? No, college football long. Gotta put something on y'all boys, get out there.

Speaker 1:

Gotta fill them slots, gotta fill them prime time.

Speaker 2:

Those slots, bro gotta fill them slots.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, no doubt, no doubt. I'm actually, uh, the squad's gonna be at that game.

Speaker 2:

Indeed this one is gonna be here Inside the layer man. Okay, there'll be a me casa and they'll make it Sue Casa.

Speaker 1:

No, scantra nose, casa, yeah, sus, casa. I'm going through my conjugation, my Spanish conjugations. I'm not sure that's what it is. Well, yeah, I'm excited to get out there to Sissy man. See you out there doing your thing, carolina and I will, uh, get out there, we're gonna get. We got an in-person beach. Indeed, come into y'all soon. So, thanks, can't we get jacket? Bro, bring your jacket, it's cold. Yeah, I just got a new jacket today and if not, I got plenty of jackets at me Casa that could be.

Speaker 2:

Your jacket that, my jacket that Toes and jacket it's me, me jacket that. I Don't think that's really the word. I think we're just making up a word, yo.

Speaker 1:

Kieto Sponsor or state.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, I couldn't even read the chat that fast, hey. But hey, man, just bring a jacket, just be ready. It'd be a good time, it's gonna be a good vibe. We're gonna get a dub out here. It's sincey wincy. You know, make this. We're gonna keep it going, man, just keep it going. We're making that push, we're fighting and we're about to do everything we need to do. Big whoo days. You about to see how we get down with the chili.

Speaker 2:

You know it's that come out here, gets you a Coney, a three-way, and you're not Coney was dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

You got to see what's going on. Get some graders ice cream, bring donuts, we're gonna have everything okay, hey, let's go, let's get some good food too, man. Celebrate. Hey, man, always a good when you with your boy. I got my worry, come on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's got me juiced up, man. I can't wait to get out the Cincinnati I.

Speaker 2:

Think I'd ever say that.

Speaker 1:

You're, uh, you're, you're your girl looks good too, man yeah.

Speaker 2:

Week, one, day one.

Speaker 1:

Let's go.

Speaker 2:

I'll check in with y'all, you know. So I'll keep checking on them this line. So it feels kind of weird. I didn't, I didn't have messed up teeth before. I'm just making some minor corrections, you know, but I didn't. I don't really Know how I feel about them. So we'll see. We'll see if I stick with them. I'm committed right now but you know, commitment fades sometimes everybody's committed when they first start the thing about that in this line, they don't keep that city on mouth.

Speaker 1:

Man, this is day one and a lifetime to go. You ain't never. They got me too. They told me yeah, nine months, all right, I was in that motherfucker a year and a half Got out, only got six. It only say 14 weeks on my yeah, nope, last time to go because you take them up, I was out. Your teeth is gonna go right back to how they were before and those minor.

Speaker 2:

Bro, I can see. I can see where never straight, though. I can see. I went through all the weeks like I looked at every T-shift over the next.

Speaker 1:

Your shit gonna Make me a mouth, give me a mouth. You should shift right back. Your teeth want to be there for a reason. They don't want to go right back to their comfortable position. Oh man, I'm telling you, slow them teeth doing in there. They know my people mess with them. What the buggy trying to do right now? Little minor adjustments. No, they don't want to be adjusted with. They got there for a reason.

Speaker 2:

This is how you want to be, bro. We've been here for damn near 30 years.

Speaker 1:

Hey, man, you are based on the way you eat your food in chew. We have adjusted to be as conducive today and now you want to shit to look a little different. So you go, shift us At the first opportunity. We will shift back. We're going back.

Speaker 2:

We're going back. Don't worry about it, y'all.

Speaker 1:

That's the fact, man. I'm telling you this lived experience right now. Man, they wanted the visit line and a lifetime to go for you, dj, congratulations.

Speaker 2:

Thanks man, We'll see man Hell yeah, hey, man, it's been.

Speaker 1:

It's been great chopping up with you. I can't wait to see you this weekend, brother.

Speaker 2:

Sure bro, can't wait to see you either. Man, we're gonna bring the good vibes. You and Caroline bring the good vibes, good energy. There we go, we're gonna grab a good time, we're gonna eat good, get a dub, you know. Bye-bye, bro, I can't wait to show you the spot.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah, hell yeah. Shit till next time, y'all. This is a beach and beach. B-scar TV signing off Peace.